Bridge GroupsBridge groups are a safe welcoming environment where you can be real & authentic. You meet in a small group where you share life together, practice focusing on the goodness of God, read scriptures, and discuss the sermon. You have the opportunity to hold each other accountable and practice shifting your mindset & actions to align with Christ. Also there are opportunities to serve together like Jesus & His disciples did. In my experience it’s easier and much more fun to serve with a group.
God created us to live life with one another and he’s wired us for relationships. First a relationship with Him and then with the overflow through Him we can love others. Love God and Love others. (Mark 12:30-31) When we meet, “Iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17)…”the word is alive and active” (Hebrew 4:12) and we see it come alive in this group setting where we read different Bible versions, bounce thoughts off each other, connect scriptures, and speak discernment to one another. There are opportunities to ask questions, dig deeper, and learn together. You have the choice to participate at whatever level you want but we strongly encourage you to go all in…that’s where even more life transformation happens. And we want that for you. For some this may be a scary or an uncomfortable step, and we encourage you to still take it anyway, knowing God is with you. Your growth and others growth depends on it. We need you! You have gifts that help complete the body of Christ. Please consider checking out one or more of the groups with an open mind and patience as God works in you & us. We look forward to hearing your story and watching God move. Check out our current group listings below! Contact the office or Melissa Chesney for info on how to join a group today!
The office number is 989-835-7101 |